There is groundbreaking legislation currently working its way through the U.S. Congress to stop U.S. participation in the devastating Saudi-led war in Yemen. If you’d like to see it pass, please call (833) STOP-WAR to get the latest information and to connect with your representatives. All you need is your zip code and about seven minutes.
This episode is a bonus update to our Episode 1: Yemen and How to Stop a War where we discussed crucial background on the war in Yemen, on the U.S. role, and how to end it. There is also a glossary and timeline for those who want to go deeper.
In this Episode...
Heather Roberson Gaston

Talking Human Rights host and creator Heather Roberson Gaston is a writer, adviser, and educator in the field of human rights. She holds an undergraduate degree in Peace and Conflict Studies from the University of California at Berkeley; a Master’s in Human Rights from Columbia University; and a Certificate in the Advanced Study of Central and Eastern Europe from the Harriman Institute.
Heather co-authored Macedonia: What Does it Take to Stop a War? a graphic novel based on an early solo research trip to the Balkans as an undergraduate and is now working on a narrative work exploring the many lives and deaths of the Israeli-Palestinian peace movement, for which she spent several months imbedded in one of its many iterations, a project that took her all over the West Bank and Israel and is yet in production.
Kate Gould

Our guest for Episode 1, Kate Gould is the Legislative Director for Middle East Policy for the Friends Committee on National Legislation. Kate is one of only a handful of registered lobbyists in Washington, D.C. working to advance human rights and support diplomatic solutions to resolve disputes between the U.S. and Iran and the conflicts in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Israel/Palestine.
Kate was named as one of the “Top Lobbyists of 2018” by The Hill She was profiled in 2015 as the “Quaker Lobbyist Behind the Iran Deal Fight,” by Congressional Quarterly.
Before taking her current post at FCNL, Kate taught Palestinian school teachers for AMIDEAST in the West Bank city of Hebron while coordinating a radio program on peacebuilding for a think tank in Jerusalem.
Sibet Partee

Sibet Partee is Talking Human Rights’ fearless Assistant Producer and Editor. A graduate of University of Virginia where she studied English Literature and co-founded UVA’s podcast network, Sibet has worked on all aspects of the Talking Human Rights launch.
Based in New York City, Sibet also acts in various productions and is studying improv at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre. Sibet is credited as series assistant producer and editor, a catchall title that (Heather writes) doesn’t do justice to the full range of her talents in episode planning, social media advising, mic training, and other training and consulting that turns out to be necessary for Heather who has been out in the field interviewing people for 15 years, but has never done so on air. If you would like to see more of Sibet’s work and if you would like to hire Sibet for your podcasting needs, head on over to